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Linking of multiple Ethernet switches - cascading, stacking and clustering


Comprehensive Guide to Connecting Multiple Ethernet Switches: Cascading, Stacking, and Clustering


In the world of networking, Ethernet switches are integral components that provide the necessary interconnects for our devices. Sometimes, one switch is not enough to meet our needs, whether in terms of port number, specific functionalities, or both. Thus, multiple Ethernet switches are connected together using different techniques, primarily switch cascading, switch stacking, and switch clustering. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore these three methodologies, providing insights on how they work, and help you understand the best approach for different situations.

Connect Multiple Ethernet Switches by Switch Cascading

Switch cascading is a traditional method to interconnect multiple Ethernet switches. This technique involves various network topologies and allows users to configure and manage each switch independently within a group. Among the various topologies, daisy chain and star are the most common.

Daisy Chain Topology

Daisy chain topology, as suggested by its name, connects each switch in series to the next, akin to the petals of a daisy. This configuration can be linear (where the switches at both ends are not connected) or circular (where the switches at both ends are connected). The linear arrangement, simply put, is like A-B-C, whereas the circular topology can be described as A-B-C-D-E-F-A.

However, this topology comes with its pros and cons. For configurations involving no more than three Ethernet switches, a linear daisy chain topology can be used effectively as it doesn't introduce any network loops. However, this setup lacks redundancy, and a single switch failure can disrupt the entire network. This is because, in a linear topology, data must be transmitted from one switch to another in one direction.

For networks with more than three Ethernet switches, the circular topology can be more suitable. It allows two-way transmission, where data can be sent in both directions. Even if a particular link breaks, transmission can still occur via the reverse path, ensuring that all switches stay connected in case of a single failure. However, this topology may cause network loops, potentially leading to broadcast storms and network congestion. Therefore, it's crucial that your switches support the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) to manage the loop issue.

Star Topology

In star topology, all switches in a network connect to a central 'core' switch. Any communication between two switches in a star network is controlled by this central switch. This topology is widely used in connecting multiple gigabit switches.

Typically, a high-capacity switch (like a 40G switch) acts as the core, connecting to access switches (like 10G switches). In this scenario, no loops occur, and all access switches are much closer to the central switch.

Connecting Multiple Ethernet Switches by Switch Stacking

Switch stacking is a method that allows multiple switches to work in unison, essentially acting as a single, high-capacity switch. This technique increases the total port count and switching capacity dramatically by adding up the port densities and capacities of the individual switches in the stack. The stacked switches, forming a stack unit, can be managed as a single entity, simplifying network management.

As an example, stacking two S3900-24T4S stackable Gigabit switches can provide 48 1GbE port density and nearly twice the switching capacity of a single switch. Note, however, that not all switches can be stacked. Usually, only stackable switches of the same model from the same manufacturer can form a stack.

Connecting Multiple Ethernet Switches by Switch Clustering

Switch clustering is a more advanced approach to managing multiple interconnected switches. In a cluster, these switches are viewed and managed as a single logical device. This method requires a command switch, which acts as the administrative control for all other switches in the cluster. One significant advantage of switch clustering is that only the command switch requires an IP address, thereby saving valuable IP address resources.

It's worth noting that only specific cluster-capable switches from the same manufacturer can be clustered. Also, switch clustering can be built upon either a cascading or stacking setup. This impacts the bandwidth of the clustering unit, which equals that of the underlying stacking or cascading unit.

Choosing the Best Way to Connect Multiple Ethernet Switches

Now that we've explored the three primary methods of connecting multiple Ethernet switches - switch cascading, switch stacking, and switch clustering - it's time to understand which one is the best for your needs. The right choice highly depends on the specific requirements of your network setup. The following table summarizes the key differences among these techniques, aiding you in making an informed decision:

Switch CascadingSwitch StackingSwitch Clustering
Number of Connected switchesNo limitation in principleLimitedLimited
BandwidthWon't be increasedThe bandwidth is much increasedDepends on whether cascading or stacking is used for clustering
Operation & ControlMember switches are managed separatelyMember switches are managed as a whole by the master switchMember switches are managed as a whole by the command switch
FlexibilityAlmost all switches can be cascaded regardless of manufacturer and modelUsually only stackable switches of the same model from the same manufacturer can be stackedOnly specific cluster-capable switches from the same manufacturer can be clustered
IP Address ManagementEach switch has one IP addressAll switches share a single IP addressOnly the command switch requires an IP address

As you can see, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the best way to connect multiple Ethernet switches depends on your specific network configuration and requirements.

Deep Dive: A Closer Look at Switch Cascading, Stacking, and Clustering

In the following sections, we're going to delve deeper into the characteristics, pros, and cons of each technique: switch cascading, switch stacking, and switch clustering. The ultimate aim is to provide comprehensive insights that can guide you in making the right choice based on your networking demands.


Switch Cascading

In essence, switch cascading is the practice of interconnecting multiple switches. It doesn't matter what the switch type is or who the manufacturer is - in principle, you can cascade any switch. The cascaded switches can be managed separately, which means each switch operates independently of the others.

But it's important to consider the potential limitations of switch cascading. Firstly, bandwidth doesn't increase with the addition of switches - the total bandwidth will be the same as the original switch. Secondly, each switch in the cascade will require its own IP address, which could become an issue in an IP-constrained network.

Switch Stacking

Switch stacking is a more specialized technique. It requires stackable switches of the same model from the same manufacturer. The stacked switches operate as a single entity, with one master switch controlling the stack. The real advantages of switch stacking come in the form of increased bandwidth and simplified management. Unlike cascading, stacking actually increases the total bandwidth of the connected switches, significantly enhancing network capacity.

Furthermore, in a stacked setup, all switches share a single IP address. This not only saves IP addresses but also simplifies management tasks. However, the limited flexibility (in terms of switch models and manufacturers) can be a downside to this method.

Switch Clustering

Switch clustering takes networking a step further by creating a virtual entity out of multiple switches. Like stacking, clustering needs specific cluster-capable switches from the same manufacturer. Clustering involves the use of a command switch, which manages all the switches in the cluster. As a result, all member switches in the cluster are controlled as a single unit, easing network management.

Additionally, only the command switch in the cluster requires an IP address. This is a significant advantage in IP-constrained environments. However, keep in mind that the bandwidth of a cluster depends on whether you've used cascading or stacking as the underlying setup.

It's also crucial to remember that while clustering offers simplified management and IP address conservation, it lacks the flexibility of cascading. It requires specific cluster-capable switches from the same manufacturer, which can be a limitation for some networks.

Comparative Analysis: Cascading vs Stacking vs Clustering

Having understood the fundamental principles of switch cascading, stacking, and clustering, let's now do a comparative analysis. It will help in grasping the potential benefits and drawbacks associated with each networking technique. We'll explore their individual characteristics concerning the number of connectable switches, bandwidth implications, operational control, flexibility, and IP address management.

Switch CascadingSwitch StackingSwitch Clustering
Number of Connected SwitchesUnlimited in principleLimited by the switch model and manufacturerLimited by the switch model and manufacturer
BandwidthRemains the same regardless of the number of switchesIncreases with the number of switchesDepends on the underlying setup (cascading or stacking)
Operation & ControlEach switch is managed separatelyThe entire stack is managed as a whole by the master switchThe entire cluster is managed by the command switch
FlexibilityAlmost all switches can be cascaded, regardless of manufacturer or typeOnly specific stackable switches of the same model from the same manufacturer can be stackedOnly specific cluster-capable switches from the same manufacturer can be clustered
IP Address ManagementEach switch requires a unique IP addressAll switches in the stack share a single IP addressOnly the command switch requires an IP address

The table above clearly illustrates the unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of each networking technique. The ideal method for connecting multiple Ethernet switches in your network will depend on your specific use case and needs.

Detailed Evaluation: When to Use Which?

With a clear comparative analysis at hand, the next step is understanding when to use switch cascading, switch stacking, and switch clustering. Each technique offers unique benefits, making it ideal for different situations. Let's delve deeper into each one to provide a comprehensive guide to assist you in making the right choice for your network setup.

Switch Cascading

Switch cascading is ideally suited to small-scale networking needs, where the number of Ethernet switches to be connected is minimal, and simplicity is preferred over complexity. The linear daisy-chain topology is the perfect fit when connecting two or three switches. Meanwhile, the ring topology provides a reliable solution for connecting more than three switches, given that the switches support STP (Spanning Tree Protocol).

Switch Stacking

Switch stacking offers a substantial improvement in terms of port density and bandwidth. This technique is ideally suited to medium to large-scale networks, where managing individual switches separately becomes impractical. In such cases, switch stacking provides an easy-to-manage solution with its single IP address and master switch control. However, remember that switch stacking usually requires stackable switches of the same model from the same manufacturer, which can limit flexibility in terms of hardware choices.

Switch Clustering

Switch clustering takes a step further in network management efficiency by treating the entire cluster as a single logical device. Like switch stacking, it also caters to medium to large-scale networks. The primary advantage of switch clustering over stacking is its ability to save valuable IP address resources, with only the command switch requiring an IP address. But bear in mind that clustering is usually limited to cluster-capable switches of the same model and manufacturer.

By choosing the correct method based on your networking requirements, you can optimize your network's performance and efficiency. Remember to evaluate your choice based on the number of switches, the need for bandwidth, the level of control you desire, the flexibility in terms of switch types and manufacturers, and the approach to IP address management.

Putting It All Together: A Comprehensive Guide for Your Network Setup

Now that we have analyzed each technology and when to use them, let's look at a real-world scenario that encapsulates all three techniques.

Imagine that you're working for a rapidly growing company with multiple departments, each with different network requirements. The Sales department is a small team and only needs a simple network for their computers and devices, whereas the R&D and Engineering departments require more complex and robust networks due to the large amount of data they handle.

For the Sales Department

Given their small size and minimal network requirements, Gezhi's switch cascading with a linear daisy-chain topology is sufficient. This setup allows the department to have a functioning network without an unnecessary investment in complex hardware or networking techniques.

For the R&D Department

With a larger number of devices and a more substantial amount of data, the R&D department benefits from Gezhi's switch stacking solution. It provides them with a higher port density and increased bandwidth, which is essential for their data-intensive operations. This setup also simplifies management by controlling the stacked switches as a single entity.

For the Engineering Department

The Engineering department handles not only a large number of devices but also different types of hardware that need to communicate with each other. Here, Gezhi's switch clustering is the most suitable solution. It allows for the management of the whole cluster as a single logical device, providing seamless communication between different types of hardware. The switch clustering method also helps in conserving IP addresses, which is a crucial factor for a large department like Engineering.

This example illustrates how switch cascading, stacking, and clustering can coexist within the same company, serving different needs based on the size of the department and the complexity of their network requirements. It's a clear demonstration of the need for comprehensive knowledge about these networking techniques to make the right decisions for your specific networking needs.

Further Thoughts on Networking with Multiple Ethernet Switches

Having delved into the various methods of networking with Ethernet switches, there are some concluding thoughts to be shared. As we've noted, each method - cascading, stacking, and clustering - has its unique strengths and scenarios where they shine. Thus, it is not a question of finding the "best" method in absolute terms but rather identifying the right tool for your specific networking needs.

Furthermore, the choice of networking strategy should not be a static decision. As a company or network grows and evolves, so too should the networking strategy. For instance, a company might start with a simple cascading setup but may need to transition to a more complex clustering or stacking setup as it expands. Therefore, networking should be viewed as a dynamic, adaptable process that aligns with the ever-changing needs of a company.

Lastly, remember that networking is a means to an end, not the end itself. The ultimate goal is to facilitate communication, enhance efficiency, and ensure the smooth operation of all networked devices. With this goal in mind, the networking strategies and techniques you choose should serve to achieve these objectives, whether that means using a single technique or combining multiple ones.


In conclusion, connecting multiple Ethernet switches is a critical task that requires careful thought and strategic planning. Whether you choose to use switch cascading, switch stacking, or switch clustering, each method has its strengths and ideal scenarios for application.

By understanding the principles and practical implications of each technique, you can make informed decisions that will allow your network to function efficiently and meet your unique needs. Always keep in mind that the choice of method should align with your specific networking needs and be flexible enough to adapt as these needs evolve.

Finally, remember that networking is not an end in itself but a means to facilitate effective communication and seamless operation. In this sense, the quality of a network is measured by how well it serves its purpose - to connect devices and enable communication.

With the insights provided in this comprehensive guide, you are now well-equipped to navigate the complex world of Ethernet switches and to create an efficient and effective network for your unique needs. Happy networking!

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